

Sacred Living Services are offered in the Northern Colorado (and Southern Wyoming) area by the following practitioners:

Sarah Josey, Clinical Herbalist & Nutritionist

Postpartum / Mother Roaster Packages:

Mother Healing $500

This package is designed to help support and heal mom right after birth, typically when she is still feeling raw and exposed in her new form.
With this package of services Sarah will come and visit your home every day for the week immediately following the birth, each day providing support and care for mom and family as they transition into this new phase of life. She will spend about 2 hours in your home with each visit, performing a different healing service each time.

Some of the mother warming services provided are:
Often times mothers underestimate the amount of support and care they will need in the weeks following birth, especially first time moms, this package is designed to give you as much support as possible.

Sign up to receive this package:

Mother Sealing $200

This is a half-day ritualized event that is a wonderful way to honor mom's transition from maiden to mother. It can be done for mom's at any point in time after birth, anywhere from one day to forty years.
It makes for an especially beautiful rite to have close friends and family present for the Sealing Ceremony and Salt Bowl Ritual.

The following are just a few aspects of the ceremony that we will do together:
Sign up to receive this package:

Mother Nourishing $150

During birth mom gives a significant amount of her stored nutrients over to baby. Add on top of that the long process of labor itself and then baby's need for nourishment through milk, and mother's are often left feeling depleted.
This package is a bundle of nourishment delivered to your door to help restore mom's vitality post-birth. All food is made fresh to order so please let us know when mom is getting close to her time so we can get prepared ahead of time.
*If you have any food sensitivities or things you do NOT like to eat, please be sure to let us know when ordering this package*

  • Slaking Hunger
  • Carrot Bliss Soup
  • Red & Roasted Soup
  • First Day Porridge
  • Kitchari
  • Seeded Granola
  • Slaking Thirst
  • PostPartum Bliss Tea
  • Nursing Tea
  • Blissful Almond Milk 
Sign up to receive this package:

Mother Embracing $90-180

Emotions can run rampant post-birth, and often unexpected thoughts and feelings arise. Having someone to talk to who can offer guidance and support can be crucial to help with mom's recovery and healing.
This is a consultation service with a clinical herbalist who will offer support through discussion with mom about her current postpartum state, and then create customized herbal and essence blend to help support her specific needs.

Sign up to receive this package in your home: 


If you don't want a full package of services you can choose to do only those that call to you. The rate is $75/ hour plus the cost of herbs and other items used. Have us come back for additional healing sessions post birth. Ideally every other day at least two additional times after the initial session.

Sign up to receive any of these services in your home: 
Sign up to receive any of these services in our office: