From the Flower Essence Society:
Flower essences are herbal infusions or decoctions, made from the flowering part of the plant, which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness. The first 38 flower remedies were formulated by a British physician, Dr. Edward Bach, in the 1930's, although new remedies from other plant species are now available.
Modern physics has known for nearly a century that matter and consciousness are intertwined. However, medical science still generally works with a nineteenth century model of the human being as a mechanism in a world of machines. We expect that in the coming century medical science will develop ways of studying the impact of consciousness on health, and we will learn more about the ways in which flower essences work. However, empirical research, which consists of the collection of case studies and practitioner reports, will remain the primary source of knowledge about how flower essences work.
From the Alaskan Essence Society:
How do flower essences work?
To understand how flower essences work requires a recognition that the human being is more than a physical body, but also incorporates a "body" of life energy, a "body" of sensitivity and feelings, and a spiritual essence or Self. Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants which interact with these subtle bodies of the human being, and evoke specific qualities within us. We can say that they work in a similar way to inspirational music or art, which carry meaning through the vehicle of sound or light, while the flower essences work through the medium of water.Modern physics has known for nearly a century that matter and consciousness are intertwined. However, medical science still generally works with a nineteenth century model of the human being as a mechanism in a world of machines. We expect that in the coming century medical science will develop ways of studying the impact of consciousness on health, and we will learn more about the ways in which flower essences work. However, empirical research, which consists of the collection of case studies and practitioner reports, will remain the primary source of knowledge about how flower essences work.
How are flower essences used?
Flower essences can be used in a number of ways. The most common way is to take them orally, four drops, four times a day. Our experience shows that it is not necessary to take them internally. They can also be used by adding five to seven drops in a plant sprayer bottle and misting a room or our bodies. You can also add a few drops to the bath, spray clothes before ironing them, or spray your pillow before sleeping. What is important to remember is that they are a vibrational essence, and surrounding yourself with them, inside or outside, is the best way to experience their effects.The following are some of the categories of emotions that tend to arise during the postpartum time period and can be helpful to have on hand to work through this emotional time.
Look through the categories and read about the essences that are in each category to find the one's that best fit you are your particular situation.If you'd like to have support in this area, consider getting a Mother Embracing session.
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From the Alaskan Essence Society:
- between physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels—Alpine Arnica, Malachite
- between the male and female energies in our body—Blue Poppy
- deep realignment with one's highest purpose in life—Ladies' Tresses
- restores alignment between the spiritual and physical bodies—Alpine Arnica
- strengthens central vertical alignment—Rutile
- with the power of one's personal truth—Cattail Pollen
- with Universal sources of energy and information—Rutilated Quartz, Silver, Topaz
Ancestral Healing
- clearing ancestral patterns—Cinnabar, Cotton Grass, Fireweed, Liard Hot Springs, Nootka Lupine, Northern Lights, Purification
- for establishing and strengthening boundaries—Hematite, Pyrite
- for healing ancestral patterns that are blocking our ability to receive—Go-Create
- for non-judgement and acceptance of what we inherited—Pearl, Reindeer Moss, Sphagnum Moss
- for processing inherited anger—Blue Elf Viola
- for understanding the origins of our family patterns—Black Spruce, Nootka Lupine, Sitka Burnet, White Lupine
- opening to the positive support of our ancestors—Golden Corydalis, Yellow Dryas
- calms mental anxiety—Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Goatsbeard, Valerian
- from being overwhelmed—Paper Birch, Purple Poppy, Red Elder, Stinging Nettle
- soothes anxiety as we confront change—Redoubt Volcano
- Belonging
- helps one feel welcome in a family or group—Alaska Violet, Single Delight, Starflower
- in a new neighborhood or country—Cow Parsnip, Reindeer Moss, Shooting Star
- for maintaining one's family identity through profound cycles of change—Yellow Dryas
- for understanding the deeper meaning of earth changes—Augustine Volcano
- helps us let go of our resistance to change—Glacier River, Redoubt Volcano, Round-Leaved Sundew
- impatient with the pace of change—Polar Ice
- strengthens and stabilizes the body so it is better able to cope with change—Cow Parsnip, Fireweed Combo
- support for deep inner change—Greenland Icecap, Spiraea, Tidal Forces
- support for moving through change without creating crisis—Hairy Butterwort
- helping the newborn feel safe and welcome on the Earth—Angelica, Club Moss, Green Bells of Ireland, Mangano Calcite,Shooting Star
- release of pelvic tension during childbirth—Balsam Poplar
- release of trauma from the birth experience, regardless of one's present age—Ladies' Tresses, Northern Lady's Slipper
- support for mother and child during and immediately after the birth—Grove Sandwort, Peridot, Pregnancy Support, Spiraea
- support for moving from one stage of delivery to the next—Hairy Butterwort, Sticky Geranium
- for a fear of being in nature—Soapberry
- for accidents and injuries—Cotton Grass, Soul Support
- for bad dreams—Calling All Angels
- for better concentration on homework—Bunchberry, Easy Learning, Star Ruby
- for feeling protected—Angelica, Devil's Club, Guardian, Lavender Yarrow, Mangano Calcite, Yarrow
- for feeling supported—Chalice Well, Starflower
- for grounding—Green Bells of Ireland
- healing birth trauma—Ladies' Tresses, Northern Lady's Slipper
- strengthening boundaries for highly sensitive children—White Violet
- strengthening the bonding connection to the Earth—Pineapple Weed
- support for starting new projects—Peridot
- developing compassion for oneself and others through self-acceptance—Alpine Azalea
- for all beings through loving kindness—Bleeding Heart
- for one's own healing process—Bog Candle, Green Bog Orchid, Pearl, Sphagnum Moss
- in the midst of emotional pain—Mangano Calcite
- through forgiveness—Mountain Wormwood
- of cycles of healing on the etheric level—Comfrey, Rhodolite Garnet
- of cycles of learning and experience—Grass of Parnassus, Polar Ice
- of emotional cycles—Moonstone, River Beauty
- of life lessons without the creation of crisis or illness—Dwarf Fireweed, Hairy Butterwort
- of the past on all levels—Sitka Burnet
- from knowing one's abilities—Tamarack
- from knowing one's purpose in life—Paper Birch, Sapphire
- in expressing oneself—Tundra Rose, Yellow Violet
- in one's ability to heal oneself—Self-Heal
- in one's interactions with others—Starflower, Wild Sweet Pea
- in one's power to create one's life—Vesuvianite
- attracting and focusing energy for healing and regeneration—Labradorite, Lady's Slipper
- expanding our ability to receive energy from the sun—Lighten Up, Orange Calcite, Solstice Sun, Sunflower
- focusing physical energy for decisive action—Chocolate Lily, Star Ruby
- helps us recharge after becoming depleted from overwork—Fire Opal, Labradorite, Opal
- helps us regulate extremes of energy—Labrador Tea, Vanadinite
- increasing energy flow to the meridians—Amber, Carnelian
- opening energy flows to and from the etheric body—Fluorite, Fluorite Combo, Rhodolite Garnet, Sweetgrass
- opening energy flows to the heart—Alpine Azalea, Calling All Angels, Chrysocolla, Emerald, Foxglove, Green Bog Orchid, Green Fairy Orchid, Harebell, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Tundra Twayblade
- promotes energetic hygiene and independence—Aragonite
- feeling like there is no time to rest—Opium Poppy
- from overuse of mental and emotional forces—Labradorite, Opal, Spectrolite
- from overwork—Fire Opal, Green Jasper, Moschatel, Opal
- from trying to balance one extreme with another—Labrador Tea, Purple Poppy
- resulting from blockages in the subtle bodies—Carnelian, Fluorite
- increases our ability to integrate information—Easy Learning, Rutilated Quartz, Stinging Nettle
- of emotions—Dandelion, Sweetgale
- of eternal wisdom into present time awareness—Black Spruce
- of new experiences by the personality—Golden Corydalis
- of peak experiences—Solstice Sun
- of spirit and emotion into action in the present moment—White Spruce
- of the celestial and the physical—Red-Purple Poppy
- of the lessons of the past—Black Spruce, Opium Poppy, Purple Poppy
- of the rational and the intuitive—Lamb's Quarters
- encourages one to move out of isolation—Wild Sweet Pea
- feeling separated or isolated from one's spiritual source—Moldavite, Sapphire, Shooting Star
- support for those who feel isolated from others—Single Delight
- bringing more joy into the fulfillment of life's challenges—Alaska Violet, Prickly Wild Rose, Tundra Rose, Willow
- helps one reclaim joy after a devastating experience—River Beauty
- in physical existence—Calling All Angels, Chiming Bells, Orange Calcite
- integrating joy and suffering—Bleeding Heart
- opening to joy as a source of creative power—Bog, Goatsbeard, Gold
- reclaiming joy through transformative experiences—Fireweed Combo
- helps the single mother find balance between mothering and fathering—Solar Eclipse
- opening the heart to the Divine Mother—Chiming Bells, Emerald
- strengthening the mother principle—Bog, Grove Sandwort, Pineapple Weed
- support for becoming a mother—Pregnancy Support
- help in establishing bonds of communication with the mother and the Earth—Grove Sandwort, Pineapple Weed
- helps newborn babies greet the Earth—Green Bells of Ireland
- support and protection for the newly born—Covellite, Guardian, Peridot, White Violet, Yarrow
- support for newborn animals—Animal Care
- helps the inner child receive nurturing from the Divine Mother and from the Earth—Emerald, Northern Lady's Slipper, Rose Quartz
- helps us learn how to receive nurturing without struggle—Larimar
- learning to nurture and be nurtured unconditionally—Spiraea
- supports the practice of nurturing between mother and child—Grove Sandwort, Pregnancy Support
- for emotional over sensitivity—Hematite, Tiger's Eye
- for environmental sensitivities—Black Tourmaline, Guardian, Yarrow
- helps acutely sensitive people create better boundaries—Guardian, Monkshood, White Violet, Yarrow
- helps highly sensitive people stay connected to their bodies and the Earth—Starflower, Stinging Nettle
- oversensitive to physical contact—Covellite, Pasque Flower
- by energies from others or from the environment—Black Tourmaline, Covellite, Guardian, Hematite, Yarrow
- by the amount of energy or information one is receiving—Lapis Lazuli, Rutilated Quartz, Stinging Nettle, Twinflower
- by the pace and intensity of change—Fireweed, Golden Corydalis, Greenland Icecap, Labrador Tea, Tidal Forces
- for healing birth trauma—Ladies' Tresses, Shooting Star
- support for new beginnings—Peridot
- to assist in the processing of old emotions and thoughts—Bog Candle, Purification, Rose/Smoky Quartz
- emotional—River Beauty
- from addictive behavior—Labrador Tea, Self-Heal
- from long term illness or overwork—Fire Opal, Opal
- from old wounds and injuries—Comfrey, Cotton Grass, Rhodolite Garnet
- from shock and trauma—Dwarf Fireweed, Fireweed, Soul Support, White Fireweed
- of spent emotional and mental forces—Lighten Up, Opal
- on all levels—Fireweed, Liard Hot Springs, Portage Glacier, Ruby, Spectrolite
- through a greater awareness of how we use our energy—Chocolate Lily, Labradorite
- balancing communications in relationships—Twinflower
- balancing one's relationship to the Earth—Turquoise
- encourages mutual awareness and healing of relationships—Full Moon Reflection
- opening emotional interactions in—Sweetgale
- release of unforgiven areas in—Mountain Wormwood
- seeing relationships from a spiritual perspective—Pale Corydalis
- helps one create safety in the heart—Devil's Club, Mangano Calcite
- helps one find peace, protection, safety, and security through the release of fear—Enchanter's Nightshade
- helps one relax and receive nurturing without struggle—Larimar
- of one's beauty, regardless of how it differs from others—Columbine
- of one's unique contribution to the evolution of humanity—Lace Flower
- of our creative abilities—Wild Iris
- clearing negative programming around sexuality—White Fireweed
- for over sensitivity to physical touch—Pasque Flower
- helps one express one's passion in service to Spirit—Blue Poppy
- restores earthly sensuality and healthy sexuality—Green Jasper, Ladies' Mantle
- synchronizing sexual energy with planetary cycles and rhythms—Balsam Poplar
- healing emotional shock—River Beauty, White Fireweed
- helps animals release shock—Animal Care
- recovering from a shock to the heart—Montana Rhodochrosite, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz
- recovering from a shock to the physical body—Cotton Grass, Fireweed
- releasing shock from the etheric body—Comfrey, Fireweed, Fluorite, Raspberry Rutile, Rhodolite Garnet, Sweetgrass
- releasing shock that has been stored in the cellular structure of the body—Ladies' Tresses, Tundra Twayblade, White Fireweed
- treating shock on all levels—Soul Support
- accessing Divine support in the moment—Hairy Butterwort, Lilac
- for any new cycle of growth and experience—Peridot, Rock Spring
- for those who are pioneering new inner and outer realms—Aventurine, Vesuvianite, Yellow Dryas
- from all kingdoms and dimensions—Chalice Well
- from the Angelic kingdom—Angelica, Chiming Bells, Kunzite
- unconditional acceptance of support in all situations—Spiraea
- letting go of resistance to—False Hellebore, Fireweed Combo, Glacier River, Greenland Icecap, Spiraea, Tidal Forces, Vanadinite
- of life patterns that no longer contribute to our highest good—False Hellebore, Fireweed, Nootka Lupine, Northern Lights,Portage Glacier
- realignment of one's energy field with one's higher purpose—Cattail Pollen, Ladies' Tresses, Sapphire, Sapphire/Ruby, Star Sapphire
- support during or after an emotional transformation—Bog Candle, Chiming Bells, River Beauty
- support for the physical body during a transformation of any kind—Fireweed
- support on all levels during transformation—Soul Support
- to help pace a transformative experience—Dwarf Fireweed
- when one feels stuck in the middle of a transformative process—Fireweed Combo, Sticky Geranium
- brings a balancing and centering influence during or after a traumatic experience—Jadeite Jade, Labrador Tea
- calming to the emotional body after it has suffered a recent trauma—Emerald, White Fireweed
- gentle release of trauma without having to re-experience it—Northern Lady's Slipper
- healing trauma after surgery—Animal Care, Cotton Grass, Raspberry Rutile, Rhodolite Garnet, Soul Support
- healing trauma with unconditional love—Tundra Twayblade
- helps with emotional reorientation after a traumatic event—River Beauty, Rose Quartz
- release of trauma held in the cellular consciousness of the body—Ladies' Tresses
- releasing trauma from all levels of the being—Fireweed, Soul Support
- topical application where there has been a trauma to the body—Cotton Grass
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